„GREEN FOOTPRINT- youth skills for climate and environment literacy”

The GREEN FOOTPRINT – Youth Skills for Climate and Environment Literacy project brings together 5 partners in a strategic partnership:

  • Fundacja Dzieła Kolpinga – POLAND (coordinator),
  • Kolping International Association e.V. – GERMANY (partner),
  • Bioeconomy Association of Latvia – LATVIA (partner),
  • Fundacja Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej (Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy) – POLAND (partner),
  • Kolpingwerk Südtirol – ITALY (partner).

The Erasmus+ project is a unique program that comprehensively supports international cooperation of non-governmental organizations and the exchange of non-formal education practices. We are implementing this project because we see the growing need for environmental education in our organizations and societies, and we recognize the necessity to create a new type of educational materials and develop a digital approach to youth social work. The project provides us with a unique opportunity to support staff development, prepare high-quality educational materials, build our capacity, and connect with our surroundings by organizing dissemination events.

The project utilizes the idea of education in the field of environmental protection and climate change among young people by using new IT educational materials (short films, virals) and promotes open and distance learning.

During the project implementation, we organized:

3 Project Partner Meetings:

TPM in Krakow, Poland, 02-05.02.2023
TPM in Cologne, Germany, 25-28.09.2023
TPM in Zakopane, Poland – 8-11.02.2024

3 International Learning, Teaching, Training Activities:

LTT in Krakow, Poland, 22-26.03.2023
LTT in Bolzano, Italy, 24-28.05.2023
LTT in Riga, Latvia, 20-23.07.2023

5 Dissemination Events in each of the partner countries of the project

We have prepared educational films, which can be viewed on our YouTube channel:

We have prepared presentations for use during educational workshops :

Green energy, renewable energy sources

Deep eco lifestyle

Circular economy – why it is important?

Bee Missions – how to take care of the local ecosystem?

Nature protection and climate education

We have prepared discussion questions for films and presentations :

Green energy, renewable energy sources

Deep eco lifestyle

Circular economy – why it is important?

Save the bees – protect the ecosystem

Nature protection and climate education

Project implementation period: 01.02.2022 – 30.06.2024 (29 months) 

The activities were funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program.